為慶祝學校35週年校慶,本校於 9/11/2019, 舉行了Vex IQ 大灣區賽~蔡章閣盃.今次比賽有26隊來自18間不同區的中小學參加,總出席人數為125人,當中有6間屯門區的學校參加了我們學校在提供的機械人工作坊. 活動經已完滿結束, 現場比賽氣氛激烈, 各個參賽隊伍積極交流,分享.參賽學生享受比賽過程,帶隊老師,亦對今次比賽安排/工作坊設計表示滿意,並希望往後參與相關的工作坊/比賽.
For Cerebrating the School 35th anniversary and to promote STEM education to Hong Kong K12 school, we have organized the 13th Asia Robot Champions Greater delta bay VEX IQ CCK Cup. The event was fully supported by more then 26 teams and 126 participants from 18 schools and organization. The participants enjoyed the game very much and looking forward to our next event.